VIDEO/FILM  (Documentations and Experimental Short Films)

For a selection of external filmproductions click here to view.

Throwing Vertigotic, 2023

HD 16:9, 3' 00"

Realized in the studio of the province of Upper Austria in Český Krumlov

The 'reins' is thrown out like a cast-net to randomly land as sculpture at its place of presentation.

ANOTHER PAIR OF BARSTOOLS, installation at gallery Raum Mit Licht, Vienna 2021

HD 16:9, 36"

LIVING ROOM, installation at gallery Raum Mit Licht, Vienna 2021

HD 16:9, 55", silent

Venez! (RC#01_BDJ), 2017

HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo / language versions: FR & EN ('Come in!')

1' 38" (sound starts midway)

“Come in!“ (Venez!) reveals something real that in a perturbing way tears a hole into the imaginary. White construction beams begin cutting through an undefined black image. They intensify and finally freeze into the abstraction of a staircase that soon proves to be stable. Ascending legs take over the space and lead abruptly into an open white where the story line, reduced to mere sound, comes to an end. The basis for the mise en scène of this ‘drama of intrusion of the real’ is a short sequence from Luis Buñuel’s 1967 classic “Belle de Jour”: Séverine Serizy climbs up the stairs to the very brothel where she intends to leave behind her bourgeois existence.


HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo

1 minute video  (in appearance like "Venez!", sound starts midway)


HD 16:9, b/w, stereo, 3' 44"

During the production process of Klaus Pamminger’s “Mackey vs. Film”, rooms of Rudolph Schindler’s Mackey Apartment House (1939) had to be digitally deconstructed into their single parts. In “Notes on Mackey”, these resulting ‘room graphemes’ emancipate themselves from the original project. Their transcription as a new projection forms a language of their own. Negative codes of a space are flashing in manic iterations, creating an aftervision of an interior room being actually a synopsis of several rooms in the Mackey-Penthouse. By means of the hereby developed sonar-like technique, Pamminger explores the field of mere differentiation. In line with the flickering transcript of said space, traces of sound from David O. Selznick’s “Gone with the Wind” (1939) and  “Mutterliebe” (Mother Love) by Gustav Ucicky (1939) can be heard. (Konrad Toenz)

MACKEY vs. FILM, 2013

HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo & 5.1 surround, 13' 3" / language versions: DE, EN, ES

Two days and nights in the “Mackey Penthouse”, built by the Austrian-American architect Rudolph M. Schindler.

When the architectural masterpiece in Los Angeles was completed, "Gone with the Wind" stirred the crowd. In the architect's home country, where at the same time the crowd was stirred by Nazi propaganda, the movie theaters showed “Mutterliebe” (Mother Love) by Gustav Ucicky. – A film which couldn't be more different from the Selznick production.

With the help of poetic means, this experimental short alludes to the structural break which emerges when concomitance goes beyond the homogeneous perception of history. (Konrad Toenz)


SOM-PROCESS, documentation of a 3-channel installation at Raum Mit Licht, Vienna 2012

Framework of "curated-by / Prozesse", curator: Alexander Streitberger

HD 16:9, 1' 34"



HD 16:9, color, stereo, 5' 11"

Created for City-One-Minutes / citybooks by invitation of "next – Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst".
Sometimes fluently, sometimes struggling for predominance, image fragments of the building exteriors transform into an interior view of the same building. The inner and outer appearance of the structures finally merge within one take. – Four daytime accurate one-minute-portraits of architectural structures. Image fragments of a building exteriors transform into an interior view of the same building:
1am–2am:  Postgarage, bar (night club)
4am–5am: HBF Graz (central railway station)
10am–11am: Kunsthaus Graz
5pm-6pm: Stadthalle Graz

Music: Gerhard Nierhaus


HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo & 5.1 surround, 4' 46"

– Dedicated to a relationship manqué.
Based upon Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” and in formal analogies to it, “Shine Off Me” tells in three chapters the story of an own failed relationship. At the same time a metamorphosis of filmic space takes place. The “film set” is a single shot of the director’s apartment.

"The shift in the legibility of the real space of the individual towards the orchestrated image poses questions about the diegetic relationship of tension." (Andreas Müller)

RI-M#08_TH, 2009 (feat. Themroc / Claude Faraldo, 1973)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 33"

RI-M#07_LP, 2009 (feat. La Pianiste / Michael Haneke, 2001)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 37"

This seventh short film from the project “Rauminvasionen” (Room Invasions), is dedicated to “La Pianiste” by Michael Haneke. ... Gradually the architecture of an apartment is invaded by the story of the movie. The narrative culminates in a scene where Erika Kohut is clubbed down and desperately stretches her hand out for help from her student Walter, whom she desires. This time her plea is answered, but shortly afterward it turns out that it all was a dream.

RI-M#06_AL, 2009 (feat. Alien / Ridley Scott 1979)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 02"

In “ri-m#06_Al” Nostromo turns into living rooms, the living rooms into a spaceship. As well on board is Ridley Scotts’ Alien, which doesn't seem to bother Jones the cat at all...

"Klaus Pamminger's apartment, filmed with a fixed camera, is the starting point for part six of his Rauminvasionen (room invasions) movies. This time, film stills from Ridley Scott's Alien have conquered the living room, papering over walls and surfaces - the fiction seems to be struggling with reality for ownership of the space. Sounds from the original movie overlay the scene, a snarl of voices, a carpet of sound. An apartment as spaceship." (catalogue text, Diagonale 2010)


RI-M#05_BV, 2009 (feat. Blue Velvet / David Lynch, 1986)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 2' 50"

RI-M#04_VE, 2009 (feat. Vertigo / Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 2' 56"

RI-M#03_BDJ, 2009 (feat. Belle de Jour / Luis Buñuel, 1967)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 16"

Catherine Deneuve alias 'Belle de Jour' appears lounging on a Viennese loft bed as if it would be hers. Just before a wall behind her turned into the blue and yellow of a Parisian silk wall covering, opening a new space. – A against the wall clapping hand takes us finally back into the apartment’s framing.

“Picture details from Luis Buñuel’s Belle de Jour alter an apartment’s interior design. By putting together the puzzle pieces the rigid shot seemingly comes to life. The result of Klaus Pamminger’s unconventional episode is an indiscernible, but all the more impressive metamorphosis of filmic space.” (VIS-catalogue 2010)

RI-M#02_TB, 2009 (feat. The Birds / Alfred Hitchcock, 1963)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 2' 53"

RI-M#01_PF, 2009 (feat. Pulp Fiction / Quentin Tarantino, 1994)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 00"

P N M, 2008

HD 16:9, color, stereo, 2' 30

– A personal nightmare from childhood.

newyorknewyork, 2002

SD 5:4, color, stereo, 3' 00"

Chelsea–Manhattan–New York, February 2002

volume 2 – insideout, documentary of the closed circuit exhibition "Volume 2", Raum für Kunst, Graz 1999

SD 5:4, 4' 16"

‘STIEGENHAUS OTTAKRING 2000' (integral part of "out of standby #2")

Track 6 from the sound recording, Vienna, March 2000

44" audio sample

OUT OF STANDBY, documentation of the closed circuit installation, ORF-Kunststücke, 1998

SD 5:4, 2' 44", stereo

flip book "nude", video-documentation of a flip book from a series of books done in 1998

HD 16:9, 6", silent

INSIGHT, video-documentation of an installation at Incubator, London 1998

SD 5:4, 2' 11", stereo

MAHLZEIT installation, television image, 1996

8' 18", stereo

GESCHÄFT MIT SCHWARZBAU, video-documentation of an installation at EBORAN gallery, Salzburg 1995

SD 5:4, 3' 08", stereo

VIDEO/FILM  (Documentations and Experimental Short Films)

Selection of external filmproductions: click here

Throwing Vertigotic, 2023

HD 16:9, 3' 00"

Realized in the studio of the province of Upper Austria in Český Krumlov

The 'reins' is thrown out like a cast-net to randomly land as sculpture at its place of presentation.

ANOTHER PAIR OF BARSTOOLS, installation at gallery Raum Mit Licht, Vienna 2021

HD 16:9, 36"

LIVING ROOM, installation at gallery Raum Mit Licht, Vienna 2021

HD 16:9, 55", silent

Venez! (RC#01_BDJ), 2017

HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo / language versions: FR & EN ('Come in!')

1' 38" (sound starts midway)

“Come in!“ (Venez!) reveals something real that in a perturbing way tears a hole into the imaginary. White construction beams begin cutting through an undefined black image. They intensify and finally freeze into the abstraction of a staircase that soon proves to be stable. Ascending legs take over the space and lead abruptly into an open white where the story line, reduced to mere sound, comes to an end. The basis for the mise en scène of this ‘drama of intrusion of the real’ is a short sequence from Luis Buñuel’s 1967 classic “Belle de Jour”: Séverine Serizy climbs up the stairs to the very brothel where she intends to leave behind her bourgeois existence.


HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo

1 minute video  (in appearance like "Venez!", sound starts midway)


HD 16:9, b/w, stereo, 3' 44"

During the production process of Klaus Pamminger’s “Mackey vs. Film”, rooms of Rudolph Schindler’s Mackey Apartment House (1939) had to be digitally deconstructed into their single parts. In “Notes on Mackey”, these resulting ‘room graphemes’ emancipate themselves from the original project. Their transcription as a new projection forms a language of their own. Negative codes of a space are flashing in manic iterations, creating an aftervision of an interior room being actually a synopsis of several rooms in the Mackey-Penthouse. By means of the hereby developed sonar-like technique, Pamminger explores the field of mere differentiation. In line with the flickering transcript of said space, traces of sound from David O. Selznick’s “Gone with the Wind” (1939) and  “Mutterliebe” (Mother Love) by Gustav Ucicky (1939) can be heard. (Konrad Toenz)

MACKEY vs. FILM, 2013

HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo & 5.1 surround, 13' 3" / language versions: DE, EN, ES

Two days and nights in the “Mackey Penthouse”, built by the Austrian-American architect Rudolph M. Schindler.

When the architectural masterpiece in Los Angeles was completed, "Gone with the Wind" stirred the crowd. In the architect's home country, where at the same time the crowd was stirred by Nazi propaganda, the movie theaters showed “Mutterliebe” (Mother Love) by Gustav Ucicky. – A film which couldn't be more different from the Selznick production.

With the help of poetic means, this experimental short alludes to the structural break which emerges when concomitance goes beyond the homogeneous perception of history. (Konrad Toenz)


SOM-PROCESS, documentation of a 3-channel installation at Raum Mit Licht, Vienna 2012

Framework of "curated-by / Prozesse", curator: Alexander Streitberger

HD 16:9, 1' 34"



HD 16:9, color, stereo, 5' 11"

Created for City-One-Minutes / citybooks by invitation of "next – Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst".
Sometimes fluently, sometimes struggling for predominance, image fragments of the building exteriors transform into an interior view of the same building. The inner and outer appearance of the structures finally merge within one take. – Four daytime accurate one-minute-portraits of architectural structures. Image fragments of a building exteriors transform into an interior view of the same building:
1am–2am:  Postgarage, bar (night club)
4am–5am: HBF Graz (central railway station)
10am–11am: Kunsthaus Graz
5pm-6pm: Stadthalle Graz

Music: Gerhard Nierhaus


HD 16:9, color & b/w, stereo & 5.1 surround, 4' 46"

– Dedicated to a relationship manqué.
Based upon Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” and in formal analogies to it, “Shine Off Me” tells in three chapters the story of an own failed relationship. At the same time a metamorphosis of filmic space takes place. The “film set” is a single shot of the director’s apartment.

"The shift in the legibility of the real space of the individual towards the orchestrated image poses questions about the diegetic relationship of tension." (Andreas Müller)

RI-M#08_TH, 2009 (feat. Themroc / Claude Faraldo, 1973)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 33"

RI-M#07_LP, 2009 (feat. La Pianiste / Michael Haneke, 2001)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 37"

This seventh short film from the project “Rauminvasionen” (Room Invasions), is dedicated to “La Pianiste” by Michael Haneke. ... Gradually the architecture of an apartment is invaded by the story of the movie. The narrative culminates in a scene where Erika Kohut is clubbed down and desperately stretches her hand out for help from her student Walter, whom she desires. This time her plea is answered, but shortly afterward it turns out that it all was a dream.

RI-M#06_AL, 2009 (feat. Alien / Ridley Scott 1979)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 02"

In “ri-m#06_Al” Nostromo turns into living rooms, the living rooms into a spaceship. As well on board is Ridley Scotts’ Alien, which doesn't seem to bother Jones the cat at all...

"Klaus Pamminger's apartment, filmed with a fixed camera, is the starting point for part six of his Rauminvasionen (room invasions) movies. This time, film stills from Ridley Scott's Alien have conquered the living room, papering over walls and surfaces - the fiction seems to be struggling with reality for ownership of the space. Sounds from the original movie overlay the scene, a snarl of voices, a carpet of sound. An apartment as spaceship." (catalogue text, Diagonale 2010)


RI-M#05_BV, 2009 (feat. Blue Velvet / David Lynch, 1986)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 2' 50"

RI-M#04_VE, 2009 (feat. Vertigo / Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 2' 56"

RI-M#03_BDJ, 2009 (feat. Belle de Jour / Luis Buñuel, 1967)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 16"

Catherine Deneuve alias 'Belle de Jour' appears lounging on a Viennese loft bed as if it would be hers. Just before a wall behind her turned into the blue and yellow of a Parisian silk wall covering, opening a new space. – A against the wall clapping hand takes us finally back into the apartment’s framing.

“Picture details from Luis Buñuel’s Belle de Jour alter an apartment’s interior design. By putting together the puzzle pieces the rigid shot seemingly comes to life. The result of Klaus Pamminger’s unconventional episode is an indiscernible, but all the more impressive metamorphosis of filmic space.” (VIS-catalogue 2010)

RI-M#02_TB, 2009 (feat. The Birds / Alfred Hitchcock, 1963)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 2' 53"

RI-M#01_PF, 2009 (feat. Pulp Fiction / Quentin Tarantino, 1994)

HD 16:9, color, 5.1 surround, 3' 00"

P N M, 2008

HD 16:9, color, stereo, 2' 30

– A personal nightmare from childhood.

newyorknewyork, 2002

SD 5:4, color, stereo, 3' 00"

Chelsea–Manhattan–New York, February 2002

volume 2 – insideout, documentary of the closed circuit exhibition "Volume 2", Raum für Kunst, Graz 1999

SD 5:4, 4' 16"

‘STIEGENHAUS OTTAKRING 2000' (integral part of "out of standby #2")

Track 6 from the sound recording, Vienna, March 2000

44" audio sample

OUT OF STANDBY, documentation of the closed circuit installation, ORF-Kunststücke, 1998

SD 5:4, 2' 44", stereo

flip book "nude", video-documentation of a flip book from a series of books done in 1998

HD 16:9, 6", silent

INSIGHT, video-documentation of an installation at Incubator, London 1998

SD 5:4, 2' 11", stereo

MAHLZEIT installation, television image, 1996

8' 18", stereo

GESCHÄFT MIT SCHWARZBAU, video-documentation of an installation at EBORAN gallery, Salzburg 1995

SD 5:4, 3' 08", stereo